Thursday, January 10, 2013


To all students enrolled in the Winter 2013 classes:

Take a look at the following links relating to our topic for Week 1 -- "European Nationalism in 19th Century Classical Music"

1.  Read through the Lecture notes for Week 1. The link is labeled "European Nationalism in 19th Century Classical Music." I  (or Tony) will be covering this material in next week's class.

direct link:

2.  Read the excerpt from Daniel Goldmark's excellent book on Hollywood cartoon music, "Tunes for Toons." The introduction is available as a pdf link on the same page as the lecture notes.
direct link:

3. Consider doing your required research presentation on the topic of European Nationalism. What country and composer would you choose? Here are the guidelines for presentations on this topic:

  1. WHO was he and WHEN did he live? Present key biographical details, including musical highlights relevant to the theme of  Nationalism as a Political Force in 19th Century Europe.
  2. WHY was he a nationalist? Present the political and cultural environment of the country in which the composer lived.
  3. HOW was the music nationalistic? 
    1. Did it use folk musical style or mythology? (as in the Russian “Five”) 
    2. Did it use a folk tale or national legend (as in Wagner’s operas)?
    3. Did it play a role in the politics of the time?  (as in Verdi’s music.)
    4. Present a musical work that demonstrates the above points.

  4. If possible, also present an animated or live-action film clip that uses the composer’s music.


A Research Presentation on the topic of  European Nationalism is one of the four grade evaluations for this course (the others are a musical Leica reel and two quizzes.)  Due to several factors, students in the Monday classes will make presentations with a partner. Students in the Wednesday class, which is much smaller in size, will make individual presentations.

These Presentations will begin in Week 3. You can sign up by sending me an email at the address above. Tell me in the email which country and composer you would like to present. I will manage the topics for suitability and to ensure that there are no duplications.

I encourage you to present early, as the workload in your other courses, especially the Group film, increases hugely through the semester. Students presenting in Week 3 will receive an automatic 10 point bonus for going first.

Friday, January 4, 2013

CULT 14717



(Updated for 2012-2013)

The website for this course can be found at:

It contains a topical outline of all lectures, a listing of the evaluation requirements, and examples of student assignments from previous years.

You can email me at:

You might also find it interesting to browse the list of previous presentation topics -

As well, in an older post on this blog, there is a list of presentation from the previous academic year, 2011-2012.


CLASS 1 - Monday 9-12

  1. January 7 - na
  2. January 14 - na
  3. January 21
    1. Aaron Estrada and Moon Li: - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: Fredric Chopin (Poland)
  4. January 28
    1. Drumit Variya & Ailin Liu - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM:  G.Rossini (Italy) 
    2. Nneka Myers and Cat Zygocki - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: P. Tchaikovsky (Russia)
  5. Feb. 4 
    1. Ariane Laurence & Danielle Gosselin - WORLD MUSIC: Popular Music of the Civil War Era.
    2. Nelizza Silva & Dayna Ibarra: EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: E.Grieg (Norway
  6. Feb. 11
    1. Yoo-jin Kim & Ryounggyo Lee: WORLD MUSIC: Samul Nori (Korean Traditional Music)
    2. Eveline Ouyang and Cecilia Zeng: WORLD MUSIC: Chinese Opera (Beijing)
  7. Feb. 18 - Family Day - no classes
  8. March 4
    1. Odell Plummer & ??? - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: Finland (Jean Sibelius) 
    2. Nadeya Oluoch-olunya & Jiani Cao: 20th Century MODERNISM: A.Schoenberg (Expressionism)
    1. Angela Pan and Kelly Wu: WORLD MUSIC: Chinese Opera (Cantonese)
    2. Bill Cai & John Leung: WORLD MUSIC: Music of Turkey
  10. March 18
    1. Diane Kim & Richey Truong: WORLD MUSIC: tba
    2. Celine Hulshof & Dan Neal: EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: R.Strauss (Germany)
    3. Hannah Cho and Carmen Chang: 20th Century MODERNISM: Was George Gershwin a Modernist?
  11. March 25
    1. Cherry Lau & Daphne Deng: WORLD MUSIC: Koto (Japan)
    2. Janet Somerville & Leanne Mohammed: EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: I.Albeniz (Spain)
  12. April 1
    1. Lea Macdonald & Annie Hughes - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: R.Vaughan Williams (UK)
    2. Melissa Allen -- WORLD MUSIC - Canadian Folk Music
  13. April 8
    1. Natalie Pasko & Tim Melnyck: IMPRESSIONISM: Claude Debussy
    2. Allison Chan & Ashly Phaphonsomkham: WORLD MUSIC: tba
  14. April 15 
    1. Rohan Ponda: WORLD MUSIC: Indigenous Australia
    2. SungHwan Yoo and William Liu: WORLD MUSIC: tba
    3. Marc Pinheiro & Matheau St.Cyr: tba


CLASS 2 - Monday 2-5


    1. January 7 - na
    2. January 14 - an
    3. January 21
      1. Edlyn Capulong and Jean Liang - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: Richard Wagner (Germany)
    4. January 28
      1. Stanley Ka Chun Chan and Fong Kai Tik (Derek) - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: Enrique Granados (Spain)
      2. Julia Peat and Isabella Tse - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM:  Edward Elgar (England)
      3. Jordan Veneracion and Gian Fonseca - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: M. Glinka (Russia)
    5. Feb. 4 
      1. Katie Jones & Larissa Melnick: EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: B.Smetana (Czech)
      2. Alex Henderson & Kayleigh Uzdarwin - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM : Spyridon Samaras
    6. Feb. 11
      1. Kay Ketong Liu & Alicia Spilka: WORLD MUSIC: Chinese Folk Music
      2. Shelly Li & Hao Zhang & He Xiao: WORLD MUSIC: Chinese Opera (Beijing) 

    7. Feb. 18 -- Family Day - no classes
    8. March 4
      1. Miranda Quesnelle & Dane Dilabbio: WORLD MUSIC: Canadian Folk Tradition
      2. Gary Ye & ?: TBA
    9. March 11-
      1. Angela Lee & Lili Ngyuen: EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: America (G.Gershwin)
      2. Lisa Yan and Andrew Greiling: EUROPEAN NATIONALISM : E.Grieg (Norway)
    10. March 18
      1. Eden Esposo & Melissa Sugrim:  WORLD MUSIC: Jamaica (Sound System music)
    11. March 25
      1. Vince Bruni & Nick Mogrich : Modernism: Primitivism (I.Stravinsky)
      2. Melissa Lyn & David Schut: WORLD MUSIC (India, specialty tba)
      3. Miranda Yeo & Meagan Harris: EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: N.Rimsky-Korsakov (Russia)
    12. April 1
      1. Joy Fu & Dominique Paynter & Sophie Nasr  - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: G.Verdi (Italy)
      2. Kevin Zaw & Michelle Maturana: WORLD MUSIC: TBA
      3. Hoon Bang & Mark Tabares: WORLD MUSIC: Hungarian Folk Music
    13. April 8
      1. Helen Liu & Winona Janega: Debussy (MODERNISM)
      2. Maureen Good and Gary Ye: MODERNISM: Astor Piazolla
      3. Colin Lepper & Tyler Novo: tba
    14. April 15 
      1. Kyle Lockrey and Jason Burch: WORLD MUSIC: Ireland (Celtic Music)
      2. Kuan Min Huang - WORLD MUSIC: Taiwan Aboriginal Music
      3. Charlie Richards: MODERNISM: Soviet Machine Music



    CLASS 3 - Wednesday 2-5


    1. January 9 - na
    2. January 16 - na
    3. January 23
      1. Jordan Shereck - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM:  Edvard Grieg (Norway)
      2. Stacey Maynard - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM:  Frederic Chopin (Poland)
    4. January 30
      1. Elena Quast - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM:  Mikhail Glinka (Russia)
      2. Rosemary Travale: EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: A.Dvorak (Czech)
    5. Feb. 6
      1. Dakota Zima - WORLD MUSIC: The Pipa in Chinese Culture (China)
      2. Tegan Dixon - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: P.Tchaikovsky (Russia)
    6. Feb. 13
      1. Mathew Scott - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: Charles Villiers Stanford (U.K.)
      2. Cheryl Lee - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: M. Mussorgsky (Russia)
    7. Feb. 20

      1.  Xiaotang Shao: WORLD MUSIC: Ethnic Han Music (China)
      2. Josh Hardie: EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: B.Smetana (Czech)
    8. February  27 - READING WEEK BREAK
    9. March 6
      1. Nathan Manns: TBA
      2. Sanaz Aslostovar: WORLD MUSIC: Persia
    10. March 13 -MUSICAL LEICA REEL DUE!
      1. Yacheng Guo: WORLD MUSIC: Erhu Music (China)
      2. Annie Zhang: WORLD MUSIC: Dizi Music & Culture (China)
    11. March 20
      1. Roman Rajbhandari - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM : R. Korsakov (Russia)
      2. Lee Hazimah - EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: J.Sibelius (Finland)
    12. March 27

    13. April 3
      1. Elizabeth Estee: EUROPEAN NATIONALISM: George Gershwin (America)

    14. April 10

    15. April 17 

    CULT 14717



    (Updated for 2012-2013)

    The website for this course can be found at:

    It contains a topical outline of all lectures, a listing of the evaluation requirements, and examples of student assignments from previous years.

    You can email me at:

    You might also find it interesting to browse the list of previous presentation topics -

    As well, in an older post on this blog, there is a list of presentation from the previous academic year, 2011-2012.